New Website, New Blog & Taylor Frey Productions
Hi friends!
So I have recently have been really overhauling my website and my blog. So this is my first official blog post on my NEW blog and my NEW website. In the past, I have really slacked in the part of my business. I have found it is so important to stay up to date on my site and on my blog so my followers and clients can stay up to date with everything that is going on with His Image Photography.
So here goes....
Here is what I have been up to with His Image Photography.
So, the Lord recently brought a new friend in my life. Her name is Taylor Frey. We instantly became great friends. I have really enjoyed getting to know her more. She is a super talented lady and a joy to be around. So one night at dinner, we were talking about what she does for a living and about my photography business and she said "lets do a video on you!!" So if you have guessed, Taylor is a film maker. She works for Christian Life Magazine and also does her own freelance work. This is her here below.

So we got started. We set it up in two different parts. The interview parts and the action parts. So for the interview part: She came to my house and we set up and got to work. She asked me some questions about His Image Photography. They why and how of His Image Photography. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. There are definitely some funny outtakes though.
The next part was the action parts. She came out to a session and filmed me doing what I do! Some amazing clients, Michelle & Micah Richard. I have been working with them for many years. Not only are the faithful clients but great friends as well. We went out to my favorite spot in Prairieville the next day due to a massive amount of rain. Even though it was in the middle of the afternoon and blazing hot. The Richards were troopers. We had so much fun!!!
Right now, Taylor is working on the editing process of the video. I have seen a few clips and I am loving what she has gotten done so far. I will for sure post the finished product once its complete. So for the time being, here are some shot we got from the shoot!
Carla Rhea
His Image Photography